Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Settling into another new job

So, I took the second-best job that was offered, relinquishing my interview for the full scientist job. It was tough, but I had to take what was offered rather than take my chances and end up unemployed even longer.

How's it going? Okay.

It's more administrative than I would have wished. I don't get any Ph.D. cred. I feel like a bit of a secretary. But the team is going to learn that I actually am a researcher, as I continue to contribute all that I can.

I've been watching the PIs on the project. At times I'm annoyed to be working with them in a lowly Coordinator position, without the cred, when I could do the work they're doing. But then I see how stressed they are. They're overbooked, overworked, overstressed, with so many competing priorities that they can't do what they're doing the way they should.

Part of me wants to keep looking for the full-fledged researcher position. They are very few and far between, but there could be one posted eventually. It's what I should be doing, right? And I would get more respect, right?

I'm just not that much of an A-type personality though. Maybe I'm okay in this lowly position. I get to work from 9 to 5 and leave at the end of the day. I get to work on a project that is good work, if not my "baby." I get to contribute researchy stuff when I can, but there's not really all that much pressure to be smart. I get a reasonable salary with reasonable work conditions and not very much responsibility.

Opting out? Definitely. Right for me? Maybe. Just maybe. If only I can get over feeling like I'm not respected for the researcher that I am.... that I'm maybe choosing not to be.


Tina Szymczak said...

I hope you will be able to find your way in this position, perhaps it won't be for very long. I can imagine feeling like a secretary when you have your PhD doesn't seem quite fair. If only fair would pay the bills. Good luck

Zil said...

Thanks, T. It's going okay. I'm so incredibly tired of job hopping, so I'm going to make it work for a while.

Tina Szymczak said...

So how are things going?