Sunday, September 14, 2014

I have a job.

I have a job and I start tomorrow.

It's not my dream job, but it's a job, and it's in my academic area, if not my skill set.

Honestly, I'm over-educated and underqualified for this job. I don't have the experience required to do some of the tasks -- a LOT of the tasks, I fear, and my research skills will not be utilized. God, am I going to miss research.

It's something, though. It's something to try. It can help me gain experience in something that's more marketable than the academic stuff. And, who knows, maybe I'll like it.

My goal when I quit my adjunct position was to move home (check), get a job (check), buy a condo, and develop a life outside of work. It hasn't been the easiest road in the past few months, but objectively speaking, I am on track.

And the adventure continues....

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back to school... without me

So, it's back-to-school season, y'all. This week I would be presenting my syllabi, meeting my students, dressing up and going to work like a real professional, bitching with the profs in the lounge...

Instead, I sit on my sofa and watch the world go by, working piece-meal freelance jobs for total crap pay.

Do I love the city? Yes.
Do I love my current situation? Hell no.
Did I do the right thing? I hope so.

It's hard. There are NO jobs out there for academics. Within academia or without. I don't even get interviews. My skills are not marketable. I've been completely ignored by that company I was counting on, despite a couple of interesting job postings. I've been ignored about other really interesting jobs I would have been happy to do, but that request someone with a master's. I've been ignored by so many companies that it's feeling pointless to even apply.

So I sit on my sofa.

I hated that two-bit town. I had to leave it. I didn't love the job. So what does it all mean?

Was I wrong to quit and move back? No, that can't be it. The mistake must have been earlier. Doing the Ph.D.... an unemployable Ph.D.  Think before you jump. Make sure your Ph.D. is a marketable one. Don't assume you'll be employable because you're educated and good at what you do. The jobs have to be out there.

Too late for me...

Something will come through, eventually. My expectations are changing. I just want something with a decent salary. It doesn't have to be meaningful work in my field (*sigh*). I just need to start getting by...